HD 69 Primary Results: ( R ) Jim Lucas 57% ( R ) Brian Savilla 43% ( D ) Trish Whitcomb 100% |
There are nearly 4,000 very angry and disappointed Republicans in House District 69 today. Jim Lucas, a 6-term incumbent, received $100,000 in large, last-minute contributions so he could send direct mail. Brian Savilla, new to the district, virtually self-funded his campaign with $20,000, and defeated Jim Lucas in his backyard of Jackson County. You have generously supported this campaign and I am very grateful for that. Whether you are a recurring, periodic, or one-time donor – THANK YOU SO MUCH! There are more ways for you to help:
All together, we have raised over $75,000 – you made that happen because you believed we could win, even BEFORE Jim Lucas was so badly humiliated in the Primary. Jim Lucas falls short of being the champion our district requires. Despite years in office, he consistently fails to deliver the results our community deserves. His track record speaks volumes: a pattern of controversial conduct, divisive rhetoric, and a noticeable ineffectiveness in representing our interests. The truth is evident - Jim Lucas lacks the respect of his peers in the legislature, and our district pays the price for it. Our direct mail budget is $39,000. Direct mail is what saved Jim Lucas’s backside and he’ll say outrageous things in his mailers against me. If everyone receiving this email helps raise half of what they have given, we’ll just about cover our direct mail budget. I’ll report to you weekly on how we are doing on this fund drive and update you on our ground game. Democrats need to net 4 seats, and with your help, I will be one! |
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